If you have sent email from your email address A to your G suite email before the MX records set up complete, use another email address
B to send and test, do not use the same email A to test.
Email address A probably still has the old MX records cache so you won't receive the email.
Virtual Vocaloid Manager
Short Stories, Programming, Linux
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Friday, April 24, 2015
Gave wordpress home page the wrong name and can't login
If you are redirected to other url after you login to wordpress admin so you can't login and your site is not working, then you probabily have changed wordpress home url or site url in wordpress setting.
1.Add these two lines to your theme's functions.php , immediately after the initial "<?php" line.
Use your own URL instead of example.com, obviously.
2. Load the login or admin page a couple of times. The site should come back up.
Important! Do not leave those lines in the functions.php file. Remove them after the site is up and running again.
See here for other solutions
https://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_The_Site_URLSaturday, January 19, 2013
grep + find example 範例
find ./ -name \*.py -exec grep -wl nltk {} \;
Find all the files which contain 'nltk' in their content in current directory.
Find all the files which contain 'nltk' in their content in current directory.
mysql-python:EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found
1. 首先安装mysql
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
2. 安装mysql-python
python setup.py build
此时系统报错:EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found
执行find / -name mysql_config,没有任何数据,表明系统中没有mysql_config这个文件
解决办法:sudo apt-get install libmysqld-dev
此时执行 find / -name mysql_config 在/usr/bin/下发现了这个文件
python setup.py build
python setup.py install
Python strip lstrip rstrip usage
theString = 'saaaay yes no yaaaass'
print theString.strip('say')
print theString.strip('say ') # there is a space after "say"
print theString.lstrip('say')
print theString.rstrip('say')
yes no
es no
yes no yaaaass
saaaay yes no
print theString.strip('say')
print theString.strip('say ') # there is a space after "say"
print theString.lstrip('say')
print theString.rstrip('say')
yes no
es no
yes no yaaaass
saaaay yes no
Python ImportError:No module named MySQLdb
Use one of this commands, depends what os and software do u have and use
- easy_install mysql-python (mix os)
- pip install mysql-python (mix os)
- apt-get install python-mysqldb (Linux Ubuntu, ...)
- cd /usr/ports/databases/py-MySQLdb && make install clean (FreeBSD)
- yum install mysql-python (Linux Fedora, ...)
Reference : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/454854/no-module-named-mysqldb
ImportError: No module named _tkinter
I'm using ubuntu11.10 and python2.7.2 .
A weird error:
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/lib-tk/Tkinter.py", line 39, in
import _tkinter # If this fails your Python may not be configured for Tk
ImportError: No module named _tkinter
But Tk was already installed in my computer...
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/lib-tk/Tkinter.py", line 39, in
import _tkinter # If this fails your Python may not be configured for Tk
ImportError: No module named _tkinter
But Tk was already installed in my computer...
$ sudo apt-get install python-tkReading package lists...Done
Building dependency tree Reading state information...Done
python-tk is already the newest version.
0 upgraded,0 newly installed,0 to remove and0not upgraded.
It may be the problem of having two different versions of python installed in the computer.
sudo ln -f /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/local/bin/python
error when installing nltk ImportError: no module named yaml
1.Download PyYAML
2.Unpack the archive and install the package by executing
$python setup.py install
3.The source distribution includes a comprehensive test suite. To run the tests, type
$python setup.py test
Reference: http://pyyaml.org/wiki/PyYAML
ImportError: No module named xxxxx
用python時常遇到的一個錯誤: ImportError: No module named xxxxx (xxxxx為module名)
例: ImportError: No module named nltk
1. 沒有安裝xxxxx這個module,那就去網路找一下安裝就行了
2. 已安裝這個module,但python找不到這個moudle安裝在哪(有可能是同時安裝了兩個版本的python所導致)。
這時有多種解法,最簡單的就是先找到這個moudle安裝的路徑,並把該路徑append到程式碼中,例: http://vocaloidmanager.blogspot.tw/2013/01/importerror-no-module-named-nltk.html
ImportError: No module named nltk
In your code, simply append a path for nltk before you import nltk.
For example:
import nltk
The path /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nltk-2.0b8-py2.7.egg/ is where the folder "nltk" located.
vim delete mutiple lines (刪除多行)
delete everything from line a to line b
:a, b de
:1,10 de
:a, b de
:1,10 de
vim delete empty line (刪除空白行)
delete those lines which have no content :
delete those lines which are only composed of "space":
delete those lines which are composed of "space or tab":
:g/^[ |\t]*$/d
:g/^[ |\t]*$/d
:g/^[ |\t]*$/d
From http://blog.cmchen.net/2006/12/25/325/
remove weird symbols in vim (刪除奇怪字元)
to remove character such as ^M, ^K,...
In vi, do a :%s/^M//g
To get the ^M hold the control key, press V then M (Both while holding the control key) and the ^M will appear. This will find all occurances and replace them with nothing.
在linux終端下,為方便檢查操作中可能出現的錯誤,以及避免螢幕滾屏的限制,我們可以把操作日誌記錄下來。常用的工具有 screen,script,以及tee等。
1. screen — screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulatio
> screen -L
> exit
結束後會生成一個類似這樣的檔案名: screenlog.0
> more screenlog.0
2. script — make typescript of terminal session
> script
> exit
> more typescript
3. tee – read from standard input and write to standard output and files
這個命令可以讀取終端輸入輸出到終端或者檔中,有時候可以用來記錄make等命令可能產生的輸出到終端的大量內容輸出到檔中去。這樣可以方便記 錄這些命令的日誌。
> make 2>&1 | tee make.log
> make > make.log
PS: 2>&1是為了記錄錯誤日誌
if you want to filter the control symbols, try to use the "col" command like this:
$ cat screenlog.0 | col -b > screenlog
$ cat typescript | col -b > scriptlog
還有一個比較好用的命令tail -f
ImportError: cannot import name urandom
I use Ubuntu11.10 and python2.7.2+ .
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/random.py", line 47, in <module>
from os import urandom as _urandom
ImportError: cannot import name urandom
After I checked os.py , I found that there is no module named "urandom" in it:
$ python
Python 2.7.2+ (default, Aug 16 2011, 07:24:41)
[GCC 4.6.1] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import os
>>> os.urandom
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'urandom'
So I reinstall python2.7.2 :
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
then it fixed the error!
from os import urandom as _urandom
ImportError: cannot import name urandom
Python 2.7.2+ (default, Aug 16 2011, 07:24:41)
[GCC 4.6.1] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import os
>>> os.urandom
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'urandom'
vim 縮排
在 VIM 中撰寫程式,可以利用「gg」指令將游標移到視窗最上方、利用「v」切換到選取模式、再用「G」將游標移到檔案尾端 (即達到全選的功能),最後按「=」,VIM 便會幫你的程式做自動對齊
Shift+< : 將選取的程式碼往左縮排一次
Shift+> : 將選取的程式碼往右縮排一次
或是按一個數字後再按Shift+< , 就可做指定次數的縮排
Unable to find a medium containing a live file system
When I was trying to install linux(ubuntu 11.10) from live CD, it showed "Unable to find a medium containing a live file system"
1.Pull out the ATA which linked to CD-ROM and hard-disks, then exchange the ATA head which was connected to your CD-ROM with the ATA head which was connected to hard-disks. In other words, use different heads to connect them to CD-ROM and hard-disks.
2.Restart the computer, done!
用linux(ubuntu)光碟開機想重灌時出現 Unable to find a medium containing a live file system
1.把連接光碟機和硬碟的ATA拔掉, 把ATA原本插光碟機的接頭(長的那端)插在硬碟上, 原本插光碟機的ATA接頭(較短那端)插在硬碟上, 總之把ATA接頭在光碟機和硬碟間多換幾次試試
2.重新開機, 就解決了!
修改Ubuntu 11.10 ssh登入畫面
在一般linux(例:CentOS)要修改ssh登入畫面,只要修改 /etc/motd 這個檔的內容就行。
修改/etc/motd後下次登入還是會顯示同樣畫面。(因/etc/motd只是指向/var/run/motd的symbolic link)
sudo vi /etc/motd.static
sudo ln -f -s /etc/motd.static /etc/motd
3.重新登入,登入顯示訊息就會變成 /etc/motd.static 的內容
若想修改顯示的系統訊息(如kernel版本, 時間),
則登入後就不會顯示"Welcome to Ubuntu 11.10 (GNU/Linux 3.x.x-xx-generic-pae...)"
Ubuntu linux cat 指令合併檔案
cat file.01 file.02 file.03 > file.merge
(將 file.01 file.02 file.03 合併到 file.merge)
另外,如果要合併的檔名有空白字元的話,那就要檔名前後加上 " "
cat "arthur today.001" "arthur today.001" "arthur today.004" > arthurtoday.avi
(將 file.01 file.02 file.03 合併到 file.merge)
另外,如果要合併的檔名有空白字元的話,那就要檔名前後加上 " "
cat "arthur today.001" "arthur today.001" "arthur today.004" > arthurtoday.avi
Ubuntu上的Apache設定檔 httpd.conf
但若要調整網站設定(ServerName, DocumentRoot等) ,則應修改/etc/apache2/sites-available/default
Reference : http://www.arthurtoday.com/2009/11/ubuntu-httpdcon.html
C語言 fopen 用法
需include stdio.h
FILE *fopen ( const char *filename, const char *mode );
開啟檔案,filename 為檔案名稱含路徑,mode 字串為檔案的模式;
開啟成功傳回一個 FILE指標 ,失敗傳回 NULL。
- mode字串種類如下:
- "r" 唯讀文字檔
- "w" 唯寫文字檔;檔案若存在,刪除內容重新寫入;檔案不存在則建立新檔
- "a" 附加文字檔,從檔案尾端寫入,檔案不存在時則建立新檔
- "rb" 唯讀二進位檔
- "wb" 唯寫二進位檔;檔案若存在,刪除內容重新寫入;檔案不存則在建立新檔
- "ab" 附加二進位檔,從檔案尾端寫入,檔案不存在時建立新檔
- "r+" 可讀寫文字檔;檔案若存在,從檔案開頭寫入;檔案不存在則建立新檔
- "w+" 可讀寫文字檔;檔案若存在,覆寫資料;檔案不存在則建立新檔
- "a+" 可 附加、讀取 ,從檔案尾端寫入,檔案不存在時則建立新檔
- "r+b" 二進位檔可讀寫
- "w+b" 二進位檔可讀寫
- "a+b" 二進位檔附加、讀取
Stanford Parser tutorial example guide ( Stanford Parser 教學 範例 )
A simple tutorial and example for Stanford Parser version 2.0.3 in Linux
1.Stanford parser download:
tar -xzvf stanford-parser-2012-07-09.tgz
cd stanford-parser-2012-07-09
(1)Parsing English file:
./lexparser.sh Inputfile
(Inputfile is the file you want to parse)
you can modify lexparser.sh to change options,
for example, change outputformat from "penn,typedDependencies" to "oneline"
(2)Parsing Chinese file:
(i) First, modify lexparser-lang.sh:
vi lexparser-lang.sh
Change memory option:
Change mem=10g to mem=2g (Since my computer is 32bit and not enough memory)
Modify line 48 to:
java -server -Xmx"$mem" -Xms"$mem" -cp "$scriptdir/*:" edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.LexicalizedParser -v -maxLength "$len" \
Modify line 50 to:
-outputFilesExtension "$out_file"."$len".stp -outputFormat "oneline" \
(ii) Decompress the Chinese grammar file:
jar -xvf stanford-parser-2012-07-09-models.jar
(iii) Now we can parse :
./lexparser-lang.sh Chinese 100 edu/stanford/nlp/models/lexparser/chinesePCFG.ser.gz hahaha Inputfile
the output file will be "Inputfile.hahaha.100.stp"
(Inputfile is the file you want to parse, 100 is maximum length of the sentences to parse, edu/stanford/nlp/models/lexparser/chinesePCFG.ser.gz is serialized grammar file,hahaha is prefix for the output filename)
you can modify lexparser-lang.sh to change options,
for example, change outputformat from "penn,typedDependencies" to "oneline"
Reference: http://linglit194.linglit.tu-darmstadt.de/linguisticsweb/bin/view/LinguisticsWeb/StanfordParser
後記 : 2012-07-09這個版本的lexparser-lang.sh有一些bug...搞了好久才弄清楚怎麼用
1.Stanford parser download:
tar -xzvf stanford-parser-2012-07-09.tgz
cd stanford-parser-2012-07-09
(1)Parsing English file:
./lexparser.sh Inputfile
(Inputfile is the file you want to parse)
you can modify lexparser.sh to change options,
for example, change outputformat from "penn,typedDependencies" to "oneline"
(2)Parsing Chinese file:
(i) First, modify lexparser-lang.sh:
vi lexparser-lang.sh
Change memory option:
Change mem=10g to mem=2g (Since my computer is 32bit and not enough memory)
Modify line 48 to:
java -server -Xmx"$mem" -Xms"$mem" -cp "$scriptdir/*:" edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.LexicalizedParser -v -maxLength "$len" \
Modify line 50 to:
-outputFilesExtension "$out_file"."$len".stp -outputFormat "oneline" \
(ii) Decompress the Chinese grammar file:
jar -xvf stanford-parser-2012-07-09-models.jar
(iii) Now we can parse :
./lexparser-lang.sh Chinese 100 edu/stanford/nlp/models/lexparser/chinesePCFG.ser.gz hahaha Inputfile
the output file will be "Inputfile.hahaha.100.stp"
(Inputfile is the file you want to parse, 100 is maximum length of the sentences to parse, edu/stanford/nlp/models/lexparser/chinesePCFG.ser.gz is serialized grammar file,hahaha is prefix for the output filename)
you can modify lexparser-lang.sh to change options,
for example, change outputformat from "penn,typedDependencies" to "oneline"
Reference: http://linglit194.linglit.tu-darmstadt.de/linguisticsweb/bin/view/LinguisticsWeb/StanfordParser
後記 : 2012-07-09這個版本的lexparser-lang.sh有一些bug...搞了好久才弄清楚怎麼用
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